UNIX was designed to be a multiprocessing, multiuser system. At any point in time, a user may have many processes running on UNIX. Consequently, UNIX is very efficient at creating processes.
Windows has evolved from its beginnings on Microsoft MS-DOS®, which did not support preemptive multitasking. As a result, Windows relies heavily on threads instead of processes. (A thread is a construct that enables parallel processing within a single process.) Creating a new process in Windows is a relatively expensive operation.
Most new UNIX kernels are multithreaded to take advantage of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) computers. Initially, UNIX did not expose threads to programmers. However, POSIX does have user-programmable threads. In fact, POSIX has two different implementations of threads, depending on the POSIX version.
In Windows, creating a new thread is very efficient. Windows applications are able to use threads to take advantage of SMP computers and to maintain interactive capabilities when some threads take a long time to execute.
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음… 철학적인데…